Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Off I go.

Well, I'm off. Tomorrow. Actually, tonight at 9:00. Can you believe it?! So I love you dearly (Yes, you) and will be seeing you in two years. Yahoo!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Art Final!

Finals week! I only had one. Art class. That is, my "3-D sculpture" class. (Yep. Required.)

We had to create a public art piece on campus. We had to fill out all the forms, create a proposal, get it approved, and then create a piece with some concept behind it. It was pretty involved. If I do say so myself.

But here it is! With a little inspiration from carnival displays and the new Pixar movie, I created this for my final project.

Setting up

Still setting up.


The final product!

Hope you liked it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

She's got it.

Here's a little sketch of a character I've named: Ellie. I've gone through probably a thousand versions of her in the past few months - I think I'm finally zoning in on the right look. She's such a great gal!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not really "art", but...

Let me just explain. For one of my art classes, we were assigned to do a project where we do something or add to this project everyday. Needless to say, a very open assignment.

I had just painted my room. Nothing on the walls. I thought, "What the heck? Why not?" I first put up doodles and drawings of mine. Then I began adding postcards, valentines, magazine pictures, ticket stubs, fortunes, really anything. 

The "concept", I suppose was to comment on the idea that what we put on our walls labels us - in a way. I decided to create a sort of stream of cluttered memorabilia. You know, representing a stream of consciousness. So here it is. Pictures of my wall mural. Unfinished.

Here's the whole thing.

The WALL-E section. A must.

Ticket stubs.

Dog with a Hitler "stache". Gotta love this.

A treasure map. I mean, "traysure" map.

The Culture Corner. Enough said.

Fortunes, get your fortunes.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A bit more.

Some sketching I've done lately. (WALL-E's not quite finished.)

Friday, March 20, 2009


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Two in one day. Make fun all you want, but I've come across more artwork the must be shared. It must! This is the stuff of Mary Blair, early Disney artist. She was the brilliant mind behind much of Disney's early art and films. It's a Small World, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland. Just to name a few. But I'll stop babbling on. Just look, and enjoy.

I sketch, therefore I am.

Sorry to bore anyone who reads this with my sketches. Lame. I know. But here they are. I've been sketching a ton lately. These are from a couple days ago. More to come, suckas!

Gus was asleep. So I thought, "When in Rome."

And who doesn't love figure-sketching?

This, my friends, is a little ol' character study. Ellie's the name.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Welcome one, welcome all!

Hot bliggity blog. I find myself having more free time. What do I do in that free time? Usually.

Not blogging.

However, I am constantly researching new art - mostly as it pertains to illustration and animation. And there is some incredible artwork out there
! I am also continuously searching up art history, art techniques, etc, etc, etc. And while    no
 one    will probably read this blog. Maybe a few people. No who am I kidding? If anyone happens to chance upon this blog, though, they'll get a fair share o
f art and enlightenment! And who knows? I might display some of my own. If you can stomach it.

I'll begin with this little number.
Done by Eric Tan. Awesome artist! He did some great promo art and concept art for WALL-E.
See here, this is a lighting test for WALL-E done by Ralph Eggleston. It could also be storyboard art or concept art! But was specifically done for lighting. And it's great. He did the great pastel stuff for Finding Nemo.Like this one.

And this. Not sure who it's by! But isn't it great?